
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Be Kind

It’s been a couple of months since my last entry. I’ve been very unmotivated, very tired and uninspired. The holidays are quickly approaching and as some of you know the holidays are NOT “the most wonderful time of year” for a lot of people (me). I wish I could close my eyes and wake up in February, skip all the holidays and my birthday. For some (me) the holiday season is nothing but a reminder of what and who we lost. I’m extremely blessed and extremely grateful for my friends & family! They always make sure I’m ok, they check on me several times a day. If I don’t pick up the phone for a few hours they will appear at my door knocking like the police (I’m not exaggerating). Last year I decided to stay home during the holidays and although I know I have my friends & family I just rather be alone. People always tell me I’m always so happy and cheery and unless you know my story you would have NOOOO CLUE that my life is / has been turned upside down. I’ve said this before but before I leave my house I put on my mask which I call my "happy face". I’ve been spending a lot of time at home trying to focus on my wellbeing, journaling, doing a lot of self-care, I’ve been taking walks, catching sunsets, grounding and meditating. I've been focusing on me and my needs. This journey hasn't been easy but I'm here SURVIVING.

Also, I have a trip coming up in a few days. I’m going back to Greece. I’m excited but packing has been a challenge. How am I supposed to pack for 6 days in a small back pack? My toiletries alone require their own bag lol. I’ll TRY my best but make no promises to make an intentional travel post. The last couple of trips I truly was in the moment enjoying every second so my phone / camera was not in use.

I’ll end it here I just wanted to drop in and give a quick update.
Be kind because you have no idea what people are going through.

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